Sunday, May 6, 2012


Subyatour means "happy day" in Khmer. Today was the first day in a year that those words came out of my mouth. That phrase is brought to life by so many different times throughout the week at New Life. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon, we got to just spend quality time with the kids with only one thing on the agenda, fun! It didn't take long for the games to break out - beachballs, paddle rackets, Twister and yes, water balloons (I'm sure pictures soon to come...). Sao, Sa and Ya jumped right into Twister and so many smiles and laughter lit up across the room. I love that sound. The kids laughing brings only the greatest joy one can experience. Subyatour!!

1 comment:

  1. SO glad you all made it. I know what you mean about the laughter. It may as well be angels singing in heaven. Praying for you all and dreaming of being there myself soon.

    Love and Blessings,


    PS Stay Hydrated!
