Love On
God is showing us many things here in Cambodia. One of those things is love, and He is showing me a new aspect of it. He is reminding me that there is no depth to His love. Through the wonderful children at Battambang New Life Orphanage, Jesus, is teaching us to love "ON" each other. Paul writes us and tells us that love is many things. Jesus commands us to love one another "...By this everyone will know that you are my disciples...". The children love on each of us. The swarm the bus as soon as it arrives. They bring us water to drink, they douse our bandanas in water and cool us down. The boys and girls give us massages and they make sure we take breaks. At the end of the day, the children carry our bags to the bus and swarm it telling us "Goodbye", "God Bless You", & "See You Tomorrow".
Do you love "on" those around you? Humble yourself, place others before you, and love "on" someone else. Your life will be changed forever.
I have experienced that lovefrom those beautiful faces and miss it so much. Have a great time and enjoy every hug. :-)