This is what happened to Kim Leng. As is quite common in Cambodia, Kim Leng's father either ran out on the family or died leaving her mother to care for her and her siblings all alone...with no job, no education and no resources. In order to survive, Kim Leng’s mother was forced to make a "Sophie’s Choice" decision. She began selling the “services” of Kim Leng's older sister to a neighbor in the village in order to afford food. Luckily, when her mother was about to sell Kim Leng as well, her grandmother stepped in at the last minute and arranged for the orphanage to take her instead.
Another boy, Sony, used to live at the orphanage but some distant relatives arrived one day and took him back; they then "sold" him into forced labor in Thailand. Takna’s mother was raped and became pregnant by a Vietnamese man; then when Takna was very young, a serious automobile accident left her unable to provide for him, so he came to the orphanage. Many of the kids talk of their biological siblings living elsewhere in Battambang or the surrounding countryside; and some of them have even visited the orphanage. Kea openly speaks of her biological mother, brothers and sisters living elsewhere in Cambodia, but she is careful to mention they "aren’t believers.”
Whether or not these kids know their biological parents isn’t all that important. Nor is it important how they eventually wound up at New Life Orphanage. And honestly, the important thing isn’t even that they all love one another, they all consider themselves and call one another brothers & sisters and they all surround each other with so much love, affection, support and encouragement. In the end, the most important thing, what really matters most of all is that, in a country that's 95% Buddhist, they all know who their heavenly Father is.
Estimates are that there are at least 27 million slaves in the world today. Thankfully, through the grace of God, New Life Orphanage and supporters like you there are now at least 27,000,000 minus 1!

Kim Leng